Monday, September 3, 2012


好久没回来写东西了...时间过得很快...也经历了很多东西...明天就要去新学校了...陌生的环境和新的挑战..虽然还是有点怕和紧张...也许是周围没有朋友依靠的关系..但我很开心..因为这是一个让我独立的机会...我和不想再一直依靠别人....这几年一直遇到的挫折..我一次都没逃避...从没放弃的信念让好不容易的走到这里了...所以我不会放弃的! 虽然付出了很多的努力但现在和人家还有很大的 差距面对的挑战也比一般人多...虽然一开始我有抱怨..但现在我明白了...经历这些也不是一件坏事..反倒能让我成长..我成为家里的一线希望了...哥哥姐姐都没有很大的成就...剩下我能继续的读书...所以我更不能放弃..对家人对神对自己的承诺..我一定要实现...如果我连这些承诺都守不住的话...我就太失败的..作为一个儿子或学生或16岁的少年... 努力吧!还有机会的...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1/3/2011 Let go..

Sometimes...Letting go is a difficult Thing... Peoples Always think That Giving up is a "Coward" ways.. But why don't you Try Look things in another ways?another view point?"You Have to Lay down the Rock in ur hand, To get a Better Rock. If you keep holding the Rock in ur hand you cant get a better one, maybe this rock isn't suit you? why don't you let it go?The Main Point of this is "Suit or Not?" Even thought you like it But it does mean You gonna Have it...

Friday, February 25, 2011

25/2/2011 Gods Plans

Once i doubt, Is Jesus The Real God?Why He Never Answer My Prayer ?Why the Things Happened This way?...So I pray ...God Please Prove to me if you hear my prayer and You are the one...And i questions Why God Did not  Answer my Prayer?.. At the same Day...God answered ... That night I went to CG As known as Cell Group ...A friend of my says Everything's is Not a coincidence Its God plans ...As we know We must have cause then have Effect .. I still remember the small story he share for us... 

       'One day,A guy Walking Towards The bus stop..When he almost reach the bus stop... he randomly Step on a Broken glasses..He Was so angry...And he Blame god For Not protecting him... A Guy who walk beside him reach the bus stop...Suddenly a Car Crash towards the bus stop...The guy who blaming god Got Shock...And He cry...He was wrong...Isn't God don't want to protect God already Have his plan...God sometime let this things to happened To prevent The Terrible things To Happens ..If  God took away that broken glasses,He would be the one to die.."

After i hear that story....I felt sorry for God...And My faith in Christ Grow stronger...well I just wanna said "God Does Answers Prayer!!" =) Well that's all for today...Hope your problem solve well reading the story I share ..    

Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/1/2011 Prayer

Now I'm lost ...I can't see the road in front of me I can't  take decision anymore...Hope God make me a way..I don't wanna lost in the high way a bit messy in my head now...too many burden too many stress ...I hope i won't screw up again...I believe things happen for a reason; hope my faith will lead me  a way out.. I believe days can gets better ,maybe not soon but one day someday It will get better. I know I'm not alone there is someone with me....pray...I pray the problem will be day...

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Dream

Do you ever have a dream? My dream is become a psychiatrist and psychologist ...using music to help people ...i hope i can help people to change their life... everyone have their emotional hurts.. someone have a space in their heart people that don't understand i want to know their story and help them..I'm curious about emotion things...sometime it helps you sometime it drag you into a mud that you cant get out..Just keep sinking...Music is a soul that can calm our heart.. Music is made from the feeling/emotion inside us it describe our feeling..And Art is a kind of thing that express what is deep inside in your heart the picture you see...I want to study psychology someday...I'll success don't said it just a dream I know reality is cruel ..Because that tomorrow you will harvest the seeds you sow today. What kind of seeds do you need to sow today, so tomorrow turns into the dream you have always wanted? 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Do you Ever look back in ur life? in the new year.... new test, new experience of life come. in the beginning new statement of my life I'll try to give a new impression.For the experience i gain in pass made me mature made me new in this year. experience is gain by days by the thing i pass through maybe tear maybe happiness.. I will written down the feeling i have every time because i scared someday I'm forgot who I'm ....