Once i doubt, Is Jesus The Real God?Why He Never Answer My Prayer ?Why the Things Happened This way?...So I pray ...God Please Prove to me if you hear my prayer and You are the one...And i questions Why God Did not Answer my Prayer?.. At the same Day...God answered ... That night I went to CG As known as Cell Group ...A friend of my says Everything's is Not a coincidence Its God plans ...As we know We must have cause then have Effect .. I still remember the small story he share for us...
'One day,A guy Walking Towards The bus stop..When he almost reach the bus stop... he randomly Step on a Broken glasses..He Was so angry...And he Blame god For Not protecting him... A Guy who walk beside him reach the bus stop...Suddenly a Car Crash towards the bus stop...The guy who blaming god Got Shock...And He cry...He was wrong...Isn't God don't want to protect Him...is God already Have his plan...God sometime let this things to happened To prevent The Terrible things To Happens ..If God took away that broken glasses,He would be the one to die.."
After i hear that story....I felt sorry for God...And My faith in Christ Grow stronger...well I just wanna said "God Does Answers Prayer!!" =) Well that's all for today...Hope your problem solve well reading the story I share ..